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Plays and Musicals

246 The Main offers delightful comedies, dramas, and musicals at least four times a year.

Below find the offerings that are now available for tickets purchases!

Ticket Purchase Information

Tickets can be obtained by calling 434.376.2461 and leaving your information. A callback will reserve your order by Visa, Mastercard or Discovercard, and your tickets will be held for you at our Will Call window until showtime. This is a designated seating theater, so no rush to come early in hopes of landing a good seat! Our doors open one hour prior to showtime and our Box Office is open Tuesday through Friday 10:00AM until 5:00PM one month prior to show dates. AND...Tickets can always be purchased at

246 The Main has a NO REFUND policy, but tickets can be swapped for credit for another show up until one day (24 hours) before the purchased showtime by relinquishing them for resale to our Box Office.

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